nova hearing cropped


Want to get involved in Alexandria? Here are four easy steps: 

Happening Now

Housing 2040 Master Plan

Alexandria is updating its 2013 Housing Master Plan to shape the City's housing principles, goals, and projects through 2040. The Housing 2040 process starts with two kick-off meetings:

Alexandria West Planning

The City is engaged in a planning process to create a shared vision for the future of Alexandria West. Join us to advocate for a plan that prioritizes inclusive engagement, housing affordability, and accessible transportation. The plan is available now, and our official comment is available here.

UPDATE: At the Planning Commission's 9/5 hearing, they voted to defer action on the Alexandria West Plan specifically so staff could make many of the improvements called for by our members, partners, and other pro-housing Alexandrians. See our statement here.

The improved Plan will return to the Planning Commission before the end of the year. 

Also Tracking

We've identified the following projects as priorities, and will let you know when there's a new opportunity to take action on them!

Zoning for Housing

City Council passed Zoning for Housing unanimously at their hearing on 11/28! These reforms are a strong first step toward a more affordable and inclusive Alexandria, but a lot remains to be done in Phase 2, which we hope to see initiated in the next couple of years.
Read our priorities for future reforms

Duke Street in Motion

As Alexandria's primary east-west corridor, Duke Street is essential to enabling people to move throughout our community. Project info here

After two years of public engagement and hours of public comment, the Council unanimously approved a concept plan in June 2023. The project has advanced to the design phase, and our role now is to ensure implementation that prioritizes an efficient, safe, sustainable, and equitable Duke Street.

Sign up for emails to receive action alerts and ensure Duke St. In Motion is fully implemented!

PRGS Redevelopment in Old Town North

Hilco Redevelopment Partners plans to convert the old Potomac River Generating Station (PRGS) into a new mixed-use neighborhood in Old Town North. Follow along and advocate for a project that brings as much desperately needed housing to Alexandria's thriving urban core as possible. Project information online here.

Landmark Redevelopment

Learn more about the plans for the redevelopment of Landmark Mall into a vibrant, mixed-use hub for Alexandria's West End. Project information is online here.


Learn about the pro-housing movement and how you can make housing more affordable near you!