2024 Virginia General Election

2024 Virginia General Election

Use this guide to help you identify pro-housing candidates in your area!

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Explanations for endorsements are below.

2024 Virginia General Election

Julius D. "JD" Spain, Sr.

Canek Aguirre

Sarah Bagley

Kirk McPike

Endorsement Explanations

2024 Virginia General Election

JD Spain (1)

Arlington County Board

Julius D. "JD" Spain, Sr.

JD Spain has a strong record of advocacy for Expanded Housing Options (Missing Middle), including repeatedly testifying at public hearings. He is an experienced local civic leader, including with various civic organizations, the Civil Service Commission, and four years as president of the NAACP Arlington Branch. He is also a member of YIMBYs of NoVA.

His questionnaire responses were enthusiastic about making homeownership more accessible and expanding the range of housing choices. He stressed supporting low-income residents and increasing Affordable Housing Investment Fund (AHIF) contributions. He said he would modernize public engagement to more effectively reach renters.

Endorsing chapters
  • YIMBYs of NOVA
Canek+Aguirre+Photo (1)

Alexandria City Council

Canek Aguirre

Canek was first elected in 2018 and has a strong pro-housing record. A key supporter of Zoning for Housing, Canek has also pushed for a phase 2 and has stated multiple times that phase 1 did not go far enough. Canek has a particular focus on renter representation and on committed affordable housing for those earning below 40% of area median income, though these focuses do not stop him from consistently supporting market rate housing projects either. Canek is also a strong supporter of public transit, and fully understands the need for an “all of the above” approach to building up Alexandria’s housing supply.

Endorsing chapters
  • YIMBYs of NOVA
Sarah Bagley (1)

Alexandria City Council

Sarah Bagley

Sarah was elected to Council in 2021 and has been a strong ally of housing for her entire tenure. She was a key supporter of Zoning for Housing throughout the process, not only ushering reforms forward but also consistently pushing for future phases of reforms that include things like parking and permitting reform. Sarah is also a strong supporter of public transit and bicycle & pedestrian improvements, and works professionally on committed affordable housing.

Endorsing chapters
  • YIMBYs of NOVA
Kirk McPike Headshot (1)

Alexandria City Countil

Kirk McPike

Kirk was elected to Council in 2021 and has been a strong ally of housing for his entire tenure. A key supporter of Zoning for Housing, Kirk has also consistently pushed for a phase 2 of these reforms to build on what the current council passed in 2023. He is a consistent voice of reason on Council when other members question whether particular housing projects should be approved, reminding his colleagues of the urgency of our housing crisis and the need to continue adding to Alexandria’s housing supply.

Endorsing chapters
  • YIMBYs of NOVA

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